Hot Kata Taikyoku Jodan, Video Taikyoku Katas Paling Dicari!

Kata Taikyoku Jodan Durasi : 02:09
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Hot Kata Taikyoku Jodan, Video Taikyoku Katas paling dicari! List of Katas in Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate 15 11 2019 Taikyoku Sandan is the third kata in the Taikyoku series It follows exactly the same floor pattern as the previous Taikyoku kata However it is slightly more complicated than those kata since it requires the performance of several back stances and inside blocks in addition to the front stance downward blocks and lunge punches Taikyoku Sandan on Apple Books List of Katas in Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate 15 11 2019 Taikyoku Sandan is the third kata in the Taikyoku series It follows exactly the same floor pattern as the previous Taikyoku kata However it is slightly more complicated than those kata since it requires the performance of several back stances and inside blocks in addition to the front stance downward blocks and lunge punches TAIKYOKU SANDAN Victoria Shotokan Karate and Kobudo Sumber :

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